International Composition Competition Citta’ di Udine

International Composition Competition Citta’ di Udine – Thirteenth edition (2020) The rules and conditions of the international composition competition “Città di Udine” (thirteenth edition) are online on TEM – Taukay…

International H.I.F. BIBER COMPETITION 2021

10 points will be awarded according to the following criteria: artistic expression, innovative interpretation, tone, programme choice, Austrian componant, recently discovered literature, presentation, technical and musical skill. More information:…

40th International Choral Festival of Preveza

Preveza. The International Choral Festival of Preveza counts 39 interesting and exciting years of high-quality choral music, challenged by excellent choirs which are continuously raising its standards and a great variety…

Uuno Klami Composition Competition

held in the autumn 2024 season in Kouvola and Kotka, Finland. For more information (rules in English, German, and French) on the competition, please visit the competition website at…

Milan Guštar

128 edo for electronically manipulated virtual microtonal mechanical piano____21:16 2. Flex Nr. 33 – Do nut for K-S algorithm and sine waves____18:17 3. 240× Four Seasons for virtual piano and

European Music Competition 2022 in Luxembourg

from (Concours Jeunes Solistes) We also announce the 3rd EUROPEAN MUSIC COMPETITION FOR CONCERT BANDS – FANFARE ORCHESTRAS – BRASS BANDS June, 3rd and 4th, 2023, Philharmonie Luxembourg.…

Petr Kofroň

Portrait of the composer Petr Kofroň. CD / Digital download / Free streaming (*1955) Petr Kofroň odešel v roce 1974 po absolutoriu gymnázia v Praze studovat skladbu na brněnskou Janáčkovu akademii múzických umění…

8th Sampo Composition Contest / Residency 2021

The eight edition of the Composition Contest and Residency for Acoustic Instrument and Sampo. With this initiative Musinfo supports the work of contemporary composers in the field of live-electronic. The…

Petr Bakla: First Movement and Variations (světová premiéra)

zvukových vrstev, záliba ve stupňovitém pohybu a spolehnutí se na klasický zvuk”. To platí i pro další z jeho skladeb, která na koncertě zazněla, Melody and Accompaniment z roku 2007. Torquati dále přednesl Études boréales Ivana…