16. Competition of Composing Contemporary Sacred Music

To promote contemporary sacred music, every two years the “Festival European Sacred Music Schwaebisch Gmuend“ (Germany) organizes a com– petition of composing alternating with ordering a composition by a chosen composer. For the…

International Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

not fulfilled, the jury will not take the composition into consideration. Applications must be in digital form. Upload deadline is September 20, 2024. More info: Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition (mauricio-kagel-composition-competition.com)…

6th International Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

in cooperation with Universal Edition. Deadline: 20th September 2024 Information about the modalities and procedure of the competition as well as the possibility of submitting can be found at: https://mauricio-kagel-composition-competition.com/…