Residency & Composition Contest 2022

the pieces in adavance and allow for extensive work with the Sampo. Selection of composers as part of the 9th Sampo composition contest. See more => 2022 Sampo Composition Contes…

Petr Kotík

Portrait of the composer Petr Kotík. CD / Digital download / Free streaming (*1942) Skladatel, dirigent a flétnista Petr Kotík studoval v Praze a ve Vídni. Ještě na Pražské konzervatoři založil ansámbl pro…

16. Competition of Composing Contemporary Sacred Music

To promote contemporary sacred music, every two years the “Festival European Sacred Music Schwaebisch Gmuend“ (Germany) organizes a com– petition of composing alternating with ordering a composition by a chosen composer. For the…

12th Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition

Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition The Mikael Tariverdiev International Organ Competition has gained a world-wide popularity attracting professional music communities in Russia, Europe and America. The 11th Competition was held in…


beautiful village of Cordes-sur-Ciel has hosted the greatest performers and composers for fifty years, for a unique time of concerts, research, creation and sharing. From Gustav Leonhardt to Thomas Adès, from…

Zásady cookies (EU)

…Máte právo na přístup k vašim osobním údajům, které jsou nám známy. Právo na opravu: Máte právo doplnit, opravit, odstranit nebo zablokovat vaše osobní údaje, kdykoli budete chtít. Pokud nám…