Ian Mikyska: Neither together nor not together (world premiere)

3 March 2025, 7 pm, Mourning Hall, Central Cemetery, Brno AUDIO Ian Mikyska: Neither together nor not together (world premiere commissioned by the BCO) Brno Contemporary Orchestra, Miroslav Beinhauer – Lumatone, Ian Mikyska – electric guitar, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Jan Krejčík: Worlds of Eva Kmentová (world premiere)

18 April 2024, 7pm, Rebelbean Pole, Brno We and Paris Jan Krejčík: Worlds of Eva Kmentová (world premiere) Marie Kopecká-Verhoeven – mezzosoprano, Dominique Defontaines – videoprojection, Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Mario Buzzi: ¡ARBOR? (world premiere)

17 Deecember 2023, 7pm, Evangelical church, Boskovice 18 Deecember 2023, 7pm, Church of Czechoslovak Hussite Church, Brno-Tuřany New Mysterium Mario Buzzi: ¡ARBOR? (world premiere) Irena Troupová – soprano, Martin Kotulan, Kornel Mikecz – bass, František Sliž – tenor, Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Michal Nejtek: The Stone Colony (world premiere)

18 June 2023, 3pm Stone Colony, 19:00 Besední dům, Brno Exposition of New Music: BCO expands the reality of the Stone Colony. BCO expands the reality of Besední dům. Michal Nejtek: The Stone Colony (world premiere) Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr

Zbyněk Matějů: Virus (world premiere)

13 April 2023, 7:30pm, St. Agnes Convent, Prague Zbyněk Matějů: Virus. Concerto for viola and chamber orchestra (world premiere commissioned by the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra) Jitka Hosprová – viola, Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr