Ostrava Days: new pieces by Petr Cígler and Michal Rataj

25 August 2019, Triple Hall Karolina, Ostrava Ostrava Days Petr Cígler: Horn Concerto, 1st movement (world premiere) Michal Rataj: MOVIS (world premiere) Ondřej Vrabec – French horn, Daan Vandewalle – piano, ONO / Ostrava New Orchestra, cond. Bruno Ferrandis

Šimon Voseček: Be My Superstar (world premiere)

14 August 2019, LOD Studio, Ghent, Belgium Šimon Voseček: Be My Superstar (world premiere of an interactive opera) Directed by: Alexandra Lacroix Libretto based on a play by Yann Verburgh H.S. – Tragédies Ordinaires: Aïda Gabriels, Alexandra Lacroix Cast: Astrid Stockman (soprano), Logan Lopez Gonzalez (countertenor) SPECTRA (Pieter Jansen – violin, Cédric De Bruycker – bass … Read more

Petr Hora: Music for Sirens

7 August 2019, Large Hydraulic Hall – Masaryk Water Research Institute, Prague Music for Sirens… micro-concerts with emergency siren test Sirene & Water (world premiere) Concept / music: Petr Hora Josef Hřebík – accordion, Pavla Radostová, Bronislava Smržová – voice