Hanousek, Chaloupka, Mikyska, Švihálková, Wróblewski: Communicating Vessels (world premiere)

17 October 2024, 8 and 9:30 pm, Vodojemy Žlutý kopec, Brno Exposition of New Music Radim Hanousek, František Chaloupka, Ian Mikyska, Kristýna Švihálková, Michal Wróblewski: Communicating Vessels (world premiere) Radim Hanousek – saxophone, bass clarinet, Michal Wróblewski – saxophone, František Chaloupka – electric guitar, Ian Mikyska – microtonal electric guitar, Kristýna Švihálková – percussion

Slavomír Hořínka: The Unbridgeable Gulf (world premiere)

16 October 2024, 7 pm, Art Centre of Palacký University – Corpus Christi Chapel, Olomouc MusicOlomouc Slavomír Hořínka: The Unbridgeable Gulf (world premiere) PHACE Ensemble (Michael Krenn – saxophone, Roland Schueler – cello, Alexandra Dienz – double bass, Mathilde Hoursiangou – piano)

Dan Dlouhý: Ways (world premiere)

16 October 2024, 7 pm, Besední dům, Brno Exposition of New Music Dan Dlouhý: Ways (world premiere of a solo multimedia project) Dan Dlouhý (Dama Dama) – music, video, script, direction, set design, interpretation

Miloš Štědroň: CLIVER for 4 violins (world premiere)

15 October 2024, 7 pm, Studio of Švanda Theatre, Prague Prague Philharmonia, Contemporary music series S Miloš Štědroň: An Evening of Ballads and More Miloš Štědroň: CLIVER for 4 violins (world premiere) Barbora Kolářová, Miloš Vrba, Kateřina Krejčová, Iva Středová – violin

Petr Wajsar: The City Without Jews (world premiere)

7 October 2024, 7:30 pm, Studio Hrdinů, Prague The City Without Jews / Die Stadt ohne Juden (1924, Austria) – silent film with live music Music: Petr Wajsar Petr Wajsar – piano and live electronics, BERG Orchestra, cond. Peter Vrábel

Martin Klusák: Prayer (world premiere)

7 October 2024, 6 pm, Gothic Tower, Academy of Performing Arts, Prague Archaion Kallos Martin Klusák: Prayer – musical performance and interactive sound installation (world premiere) Liubov Plavska – voice, Martin Klusák – live electronics

Jana Vöröšová: “Wo ist F.?” (world premiere)

5 October 2024, 7:30 pm, Church of Sts Simon and Jude, Prague Jana Vöröšová: “Wo ist F.?” (world premiere) Text: Franz Kafka Bella Adamova – mezzosoprano, Prague Chamber Soloists, cond. Radek Baborák