Never Heard, Never Heard Again – My Country: Contemporary interpretation of the cycle

13 October 2024, 8 pm, Besední dům, Brno

Exposition of New Music

Never Heard, Never Heard Again – My Country: Contemporary interpretation of the cycle (world premiere of field recording realisations of Smetana’s descriptions of the compositions with choral pieces by the deaf Bedřich Smetana)

Ladislav “Mirvis” Mirvald: The High Castle

Ladislav Železný: The Moldau

Lucie Vítková: Šárka

Students od sound design and multimedial technology at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University: From Bohemia’s Woods and Fields

Petr Ferenc: Tábor

Tomáš Vtípil: Blaník

Brno Contemporary Orchestra, cond. Pavel Šnajdr